Pursuit of Simplicity

Simplicity is a way of our life at Yes4.

‘Implementation Simplified’: The Hymn for Yes4Consulting Members.

Simplicity is a sign that when there are variety of choices available, we choose to refine our life with FOCUS and pay attention to the point where we can say that we have evolved. Simplicity then, is not something to be considered as a step down, but rather a focused step up for success. In Today’s fast paced world, our business enterprises are constantly being preoccupied by so many different things and lose focus on their core business. At Yes4, we sincerely follow our 7 golden rules in all our project management with the pursuit of Simplicity to support our clients.

Golden Rule no.1: One Step at a time

The Project Management Professionals (PMP) at Yes4 keep the project goals in mind to increase profits: both those that are related to smaller, incremental tasks and those that are ambitious end points. We facilitate our clients to set up realistic time frames for short-term and long-term. We track our clients’ needs and constantly re prioritize our project management. We simplify the work into sub-sections, taking every phase one step at a time. It prevents any task from seeming overwhelming and makes the entire process much more fulfilling.

Golden Rule no.2: Knowledge Transfer

The Mentors and the trainers at Yes4 are the key source to inspire people. We identify and create a circle of people to ensure the ‘knowledge transfer’ through the mentor ship and On-the-job training programs. This is one of the simplest and effective way to sustain the Project and involve the team for continual improvement.

Golden Rule no.3: Keep it minimum; Less is More

Business Process Redesign (BPR) Consultants at Yes4 are the productive resource to improve processes of an organization. We create a framework focusing on the organization’s business processes as a structured ordering of work steps across time and place. This we measure, modeled for improvement. It can also be completely redesigned to keep it minimum and simple or eliminated altogether by technology adoption.

Golden Rule no.4 : Think about ideas

Product Development Consultants at Yes4 help firm and assists the inventors in designs, development, protection and commercialization to innovate products and bring their invention to market for sale or licensing! Our creative staff has helped them realize their invention’s true potential from their simple ideas.

Golden Rule no.5: Focus on Performance

Subject Matter Experts and Domain Specialists at Yes4 focus on the simple, few, larger items that will generate the most significant results. Many of the business enterprise are driven by competition, and our methodology to facilitate ‘Performance driven’ help the clients to stay always ahead of the competition.

Golden rule no.6: Simplify Life by Your Own Rules

Our Clients tell us what simple means for them. At Yes4, we play a key role in setting up the standardisation by creating the own rules of our Client’s business while trying to keep it simple. We are authors and content writers for several publications and product manuals.

Golden Rule no.7: Art of Relationship

At Yes4 we have Relationship Coach, Organizational Psychologist, Art of Living disciplinarians and our mission is to see every ‘Human Life’ as an infinite possibility on this planet.
